Employer Unemployment Tips

November Claim tip: Still Employed Claims November Hearing tip: Unemployment Hearing: Witness Preparation GuideOctober Claim tip: Help protect your nonprofit from fraudulent unemployment claims October Hearing tip: Postponement & reopen requests
2023 Contribution Rates

The Rate Committee for the 501 Alliance Board of Directors includes multiple nonprofit members of the 501 Alliance. The Committee voted to maintain the same rate structure for 2023 as 2022. Some highlights: Members with positive account balances have a minimum rate of .18% and maximum rate of 1.70% Average rate for entire membership is […]
New Website Launched

The 501 Alliance has a new website in the new year! As you might imagine, it is not possible to translate everything from an old website to a new one. Like moving from an old house to a new one, some things don’t fit exactly or new furnishings are needed, along with some settling in! […]