News / Blog

Need to stay on top of changes to unemployment and related industry issues that could impact your organization? Looking for tips?  501 Alliance has you covered.


Still Employed Claims

Still Employed Claims Handling still employed claims can sometimes be confusing. There are situations where these types of claims should be protested and other times when they should not. Before responding to these types of cases, ask yourself the following questions: What is the claimant’s status? Full time, part time, casual, on call, etc. Was [...]


Annual Meeting Recap

Members and board members of the 501 Alliance gathered in Lansing on May 9, 2024.  Attendees engaged with speakers including Kelley Kuhn, Michigan Nonprofit Association and Tina Alonzo, Peckham.  2023 was a year of growth in total members as well as total staff for existing members.  Despite 200+ members receiving rate decreases, the fund remains [...]


Member Meet-up Traverse City

501 Alliance will be hosting a complimentary meet-up during the Incompass Leadership Conference in Traverse City. Any 501 Alliance member can attend, even if not attending the Incompass Conference. Meet with fellow finance, HR and nonprofit leaders in Michigan! Thursday, June 6, 6:15 – 8:15 pm Silver Spruce Brewing 439 E. Eighth Street. Traverse City, [...]


Annual Report Now Available

All 501 Alliance members are invited to attend the Annual Meeting on May 9 in Lansing.  If you have not registered already, you can do so here prior to May 1.  View the Agenda and Annual Report below.


What is an Unemployment Hearing?

An unemployment hearing is an informal legal proceeding conducted by a Hearing Officer employed by an unemployment state agency. Hearings are scheduled upon request when one party disagrees with a lower level decision to either award or deny unemployment benefits. Hearings are scheduled to allow both parties the opportunity to present testimony and evidence on [...]


Lifecycle of an Unemployment Claim

Lifecycle of an Unemployment Claim Unemployment begins with a separation. This could be a quit, discharge, lack of work, or even someone who is still employed and filing for partial benefits. Step 1: Separation – Once an employee is separated from an employer for any particular reason, that employee will determine if unemployment is something [...]

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